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Glow Fund Volunteers

Aaron Deemer is the founder and director of the Glow Fund. The inspiration to start the Glow Fund came on a trip to Sichuan in 2003, when Aaron met Dolma, a seven-year-old girl with scoliosis.  Seeing how difficult her life would be with this condition, he decided to try and help her.

Almost 15 years on, Aaron is still in regular contact with Dolma, this healthy, intelligent, hard working young woman.  She is the inspiration for this work.  She reminds us of what is possible if we reach out and help a stranger.  

Alongside his volunteer work with the Glow Fund, Aaron lives in London, and works as a Five Element Acupuncturist. 

Natasha Curry is in charge of logistics and new mission development, and is also the pain management specialist for post op care within the Glow Fund.


Natasha is also a nurse practitioner with extensive experience in symptom management. She previously worked for Doctors Without Borders, overseeing and training nurses in optimal chronic and acute pain management, and is currently working with cancer patients at San Francisco General Hospital in their palliative care inpatient and outpatient program.


Mimi Kuo-Deemer is a Stanford University alumnus and has worked alongside her husband Aaron to oversee missions to China since 2005. She primarily helps organise awareness and social/educational outreach about the Glow Fund Trust’s vision and coordinates some of their fund raising events.


From 1994 until 2009, Mimi worked in Beijing, China as a television journalist and documentary photographer. She photographed extensively throughout China for organizations such as Reuters, The New York Times, UNESCO, UNDP, and the Tibet Poverty Alleviation Fund.


Since 2002 she has also worked as a yoga teacher and co-founded Beijing’s first yoga studio, Yoga Yard, which she co-directed for 7 years before moving to London. Since 2009, Mimi has been teaching yoga, meditation and qigong full-time at triyoga – one of Europe’s largest and leading yoga centres.  

Ahping Mu is the Director of Logistics for the Glow Fund in China. Ahping graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1972, and worked as a technologist in charge of the department of nuclear medicine, at the First Hospital of the Beijing Medical College.  Ahping continued to work for over 20 years in the field of nuclear medicine at the Beijing Institute for Cancer Research.

In 1999, Ahping Mu moved to the Bay Area, where he worked as an office manager for Julie A Nickelsen, MD.  He stayed at the family practice for 15 years until he moved back to Beijing China in 2015.

From 2007 to 2010, Ahping Mu was also involved in TK Fundraising Productions, spring dance inspiration - a cure for brain tumors in San Francisco CA.

Kerry Hsieh is originally from Taiwan, but spent her childhood in Hong Kong. Kerry received her higher education and professional training in United States, and received her Masters Degree in Health Sciences, held a Registered Nurse license in multiple States and is a National Certified Physician Assistant, registered in States of Kansas, Texas and California.

Kerry has held both faculty and clinical positions as a Physician Assistant in surgical specialties. In 2011, she relocated to Beijing, and worked at Stanford Center Peking University for Stanford medical Center International Health Services.  In 2014, Kerry worked as Consultant to the President at Peking University International Hospital, coordinating departmental collaboration and establishing liaisons among renowned international universities and medical centers.  In 2015 she relocated to Shanghai, and has been working on the development of health related technology for seniors.

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